The College of Islamic Sciences discusses the method of Sayyid Muhammad bin Abd al-Nabi al-Hairi in interpreting the great news

A master’s thesis was discussed at the College of Islamic Sciences – University of Karbala, tagged with (Sayyid Muhammad bin Abd al-Nabi al-Hairi and his method in interpreting the great news – study and analysis). For the student: Baida Nima Abbas Al-Ghanimi.

The public discussion took place at nine o’clock on Sunday morning, 30/5/2021, and at Al-Sadiq Al-Amin Hall in the College of Islamic Sciences.
The importance of the thesis lies in studying the exegetical heritage of an important Islamic school that is considered one of the schools that had an impact on the jurisprudential and Imami heritage in particular and Islam in general, studying the characteristics of this era of time and learning about the value and knowledge product of the Akhbaris regarding the sciences of the Qur’an and clarifying its differences from the rest of the schools .

In her dissertation, the researcher followed several scientific approaches, namely the inductive approach, the descriptive approach, and the analytical approach. This was done through careful examination and careful reading of the interpretation of (the Great News in the Holy Qur’an), which consists of three parts. Examples from this interpretation.

The discussion committee consisted of Prof. Dr.: Fadel Mudeb Mutaib from the University of Kufa – College of Jurisprudence – as chairperson. Assistant Professor: Dr. Khudair Jassem Haloub from Karbala University – Faculty of Islamic Sciences – as a member. And teacher: Dr. Muslim Jawad Khudair from Karbala University – Faculty of Islamic Sciences – Member, and Assistant Professor Dr. Hamid Jassem Aboud from Karbala University – College of Islamic Sciences – as a member and supervisor. The thesis was approved with a grade of (Very Good).