As part of a series of virtual training courses aimed at developing the skills of members of the College of Islamic Sciences in the field of optimal investment of technology in business performance and addressing technical problems
The Continuing Education Division at the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala, under the direct supervision of the Dean of the College of Islamic Sciences, Professor Dr. Dhargham Al-Mousawi, and the Associate Dean of the College of Islamic Sciences for Scientific Affairs, Professor Dr. Muslim Malik Al-Asadi, held a training course titled (Creating tables and charts and linking worksheets)

The assistant teacher Nour Sabah Saghir, Master of Computer Science, and Assistant Teacher Zainab Nasser Muhammad Ali, Master of Life Sciences, lectured in it. The Director of the Continuing Education Division at the College, Dr. Hassan Al-Jadili, stated that the goal is to identify the policies of the Excel program and how to create tables and charts, fill them with data, and make mathematical formulas in The field of accounts, statistics, records, grades, in addition to that, how to link worksheets
The course witnessed attendance and interaction, indicators of which appeared through the interventions and scientific questions raised by participants from various segments of the university community, for example, but not limited to: (University Presidency – Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance – Council Secretariat – Department of Missions and Cultural Relations – Faculty of Dentistry – Faculty of Science Pure – Faculty of Humanities, as well as participation from the Technical Institute).