Semantic weakness and its impact on the preferences of the commentators

Master Thesis

Student:  Khamael Turki Naama Musa

Supervised by: Assistant Professor Dr Khudair Jassim Haloub

Major: Sharia and Islamic Sciences

Publish Date: 2022

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Indicates The research concluded that the subject of (semantic weakness) is a new study, so it is in the words that are possible For more than one meaning, as well as because of the situation or use, and it also includes the verbal common As it may have several different meanings, its significance is weakened as a result of its multiple meanings, as well as the metaphor Being echoed in its meaning between the real and figurative meaning, as well as the inclusion of the echoed meanings and attenuation mechanisms for allocation and transfer.
However, most of the commentators neglected to employ The meaning of weakness in their interpretations, so they took the significance of the meanings of some words on their apparent meaning, and it is thus It did not match God’s will From his Noble Book, the meaning of semantic weakness in our research is the other, attenuating meaning The preferences of the commentators When they preferred one meaning over another, there are meanings of a single Qur’anic sign that is weak Some of the commentators, or neglected to use it in its place, weakened its meaning, or interpreted it according to its apparent meaning from the text.
As for the meaning of the effect, the meaning In directing the text, as some of the connotation is weakened and attenuated due to lack of use or transmission. A single word has multiple connotations that weaken most of them and prove one of them.
The effect is that meaning that will be generated and appear afterwards Attenuating other connotations, the effect is the result that appears in directing the Qur’anic meaning after Attenuate the unreliable.

What is the cause of semantic weakness My transmission, so the role of the honorable Sunnah is embodied in explaining the reason for the weakness that has occurred in it, as well as from the causes Semantic weakness is what is mental, and here highlights the role of the mind in determining the meaning of the text Apparently, the weakness that occurs in the connotation of some of the words leads to its decay in their weakness, as well Semantic impairment is due to language, and context plays a role in attenuating possibilities. It discredits generalities, discredits the obvious, disempowers general, and disparages divorced women.