A faculty member from the College of Islamic Sciences participated in a Master’s thesis defense committee at the University of Religions and Denominations

Dr. Muwahib Saleh Mahdi Al-Khatib, a faculty member at the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala, participated as a member and supervisor in the public defense committee of a Master’s thesis held at the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology at the University of Religions and Denominations, College of Quranic Sciences and Knowledge.

The thesis was titled “The Quranic Stories: Between Realism and Symbolism, a Comparative Study of the Views of Ayatollah Muhammad Husayn Al-Tabatabai and Muhammad Ahmad Khalifallah” by the student Ronak Hamid.

This participation reflects the scientific openness of the University of Karbala – College of Islamic Sciences towards universities outside Iraq, aiming to achieve academic and knowledge exchange.