The Continuous Education Unit at the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala organized a skill course in the field of rhetoric

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The Continuous Education Unit at the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala organized a skill course in the field of rhetoric titled “The Eloquence of Muhammad: A Prophetic Miracle to Emulate,” delivered by Dr. Jassim Abdulwahid Rahi Hamidi, a lecturer in the Department of Arabic Language.

The course aims to master the skill of rhetoric by understanding its significance and its higher levels, in addition to clarifying the status of the Prophet Muhammad and its uniqueness in relation to the status of rhetorical eloquence.

The course included three main axes: The first axis introduced the eloquence of the Prophet Muhammad and its characteristics. The second axis clarified the concept of miraculous eloquence. The third axis discussed the status of prophethood and the miracle.

The course targeted professors and students, presenting details related to the concept of high rhetoric and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, demonstrating how he possessed this rhetorical characteristic through evidence from the Quran and narrations of his sayings.