Online Scientific Symposium on Women

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The Women’s Affairs Unit at the College of Islamic Sciences, University of Karbala, organized an online scientific symposium titled “Women: A Continuous Contribution for Sustainable Development.” The symposium featured a presentation by Professor Dr. Dhargham Kareem Al-Mousawi, with the session chaired by Lecturer Khaled Abdul Nabi.

The symposium aimed to shed light on the role of women in Islam, focusing on prominent female figures such as Khadijah, Lady Hagar, Lady Fatimah, and Lady Zainab. It highlighted how these figures preserved the history of the tragedy of Karbala, emphasizing that without Zainab, Karbala would not have been remembered. Additionally, the symposium discussed the contemporary role of women in raising and protecting children from negative societal influences, including social media platforms, as education primarily falls under the responsibility of women, who are the cornerstone of raising righteous generations.