Faculty of Islamic Sciences Organizes First Annual Cultural Festival for Quranic Studies Students

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Under the direction of the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences and the supervision of the Head of the Department of Quranic Sciences and Islamic Education, the Department of Quranic Sciences and Islamic Education organized its first annual cultural festival for Quranic studies students. The festival included the competition “By the Values of the Quran We Live,” aimed at elevating the recitation of the Quran and Tajweed.

The event was inaugurated with an address by the Dean, followed by a scholarly seminar conducted by the judging committee, attended by faculty members and esteemed students. The first-place winner was student Thamer Zaher Al-Fartoosi.

The festival encompassed various activities such as recitations, scientific quizzes, and other engaging events.

It’s worth noting that the organizing and supervising committee of the festival included Assistant Professor Muslim Hussein Aboud Al-Yasseri and Assistant Professor Sarah Abdul Amir Badr.