Islamic Sciences Faculty Member at Karbala University Publishes Rhetorical Concepts

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Islamic Sciences Faculty Member at Karbala University Publishes Rhetorical Concepts

Professor Dr. Jassim Abdul Wahed Rahi, a faculty member at the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala, has published a book titled Rhetorical Concepts.

The book, published by Al-Sadiq Cultural Publishing House, spans 471 pages and is divided into four chapters.

It is a serious attempt to provide an introductory guide to understanding the fundamentals and methodologies of rhetorical studies. The book explores the key fields that have contributed to the development of the science of rhetoric, which has matured into a concept based on principles, standards, rules, terms, and concepts. The book serves as an introduction for those interested in gaining insight into the evolution of Arab heritage and understanding Arabic rhetoric from its early foundations to its modern development.

The book advocates for following the correct path in studying and comprehending Arab rhetoric, as most rhetorical studies have reached a level of intellectual advancement that is challenging for beginners to grasp without first understanding its foundations, fields, and significance.