The Faculty of Islamic Sciences Discusses a Master’s Thesis on Religious Discourse in the Novels of Ayman Al-Atoum

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The Faculty of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala discussed a master’s thesis titled “Religious Discourse in the Novels of Ayman Al-Atoum,” presented by student Samah Ali Jabbar Abbas, in the Imam Hussein Hall (PBUH) at the college.

The researcher highlighted that religious discourse is a part of a society’s identity, connecting the Arab individual to their past and present, while shaping a part of their future. The study aimed to explore how religious discourse is employed in the novels of Ayman Al-Atoum, whose works are characterized by diverse narratives shaped by his ideology and views on various stories and ideas.

The religious discourse in his novels is evident through intertextual references to multiple religious sources. After presenting the key terms and concepts central to the study, various forms of religious discourse were identified through intertextuality.

The study focused on the aesthetic aspects of these applications and their impact on the overall narrative.