Rp_Qur’anic Evidence in the Secrets of Benefits and Pearls of Necklaces by Sharif Al-Murtada (d. 436 AH) rhetorical study

Master Thesis

Student:Narges Bashir Fleih 

Supervised by:Mr. Dr. Muslim Malik Ba’ir al-Asadi

Major: Language and literature of the holy Quran

Publish Date: 2023

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Al-Murtada used the Quranic word close to its use in the Quranic text, and according to the contexts in which it was mentioned, or through a set of contexts and indications for some Quranic verses to derive from them an image of the meaning of this word or others, and in another text we notice that the meaning is absorbed by several Quranic verses that refer to a group of things. It was referred to by the Holy Qur’an, and we see through the study that the study methods are not a secondary matter in drawing the meaning, but rather contribute effectively to formulating the meaning and strengthening it, and that this diversity in the methods forms an effective method in building a meaning and a clear image for the reader.
We may find that al-Murtada takes the rational approach as a basis on which his approach is built. Nevertheless, al-Murtada relies on reason and language and takes them as a means by which he reaches his goal of interpreting texts and exploring their depths. Interpretation in its various paths has a high position in the legacy of Sayyid al-Murtada, and you may notice this in every Author in different forms and various styles