Al-Imam Ali (p.b.u.h), said:
Hadith n. 248
248. Amir al-mu’minin, peace be upon him, said: If a person has a good idea about you make his idea be true.
Hadith n. 249
249. Amir al-mu’minin, peace be upon him, said: The best act is that which you have to force yourself to do.
Hadith n. 250
250. Amir al-mu’minin, peace be upon him, said: I came to know Allah, the Glorified, through the breaking of determinations, change of intentions and losing of courage. 59
Hadith n. 251
251. Amir al-mu’minin, peace be upon him, said: The bitterness of this world is the sweetness of the next world while the sweetness of this world is the bitterness of the next one.
Hadith n. 252
252. Amir al-mu’minin, peace be upon him, said: Allah has laid down iman (belief) for purification from polytheism; salat (prayer) for purification from vanity; zakat (levy) as a means of livelihood; siyam (fasting) as a trial of the people; hajj (pilgrimage to the House of Allah in Mecca) as a support for religion; jihad (fighting in the way of Allah) for the honour of Islam; persuasion for good (al-amr bi’l-ma`ruf) for the good of the common people; dissuasion from evil (an-nahy ‘ani’l-munkar) for the control of the mischievous; regard for kinship for increase of number; revenge for stoppage of bloodshed; the award of penalties for the realization of importance of the prohibitions; the abstinence from drinking wine for protection of the wit; the avoidance of theft for inculcating chastity; abstinence from adultery for safeguarding descent; abstinence from sodomy for increase of progeny; tendering evidence for furnishing proof against contentions; abstinence from the lie for increasing esteem for truth; maintenance of peace (salam) for protection from danger; imamah or Imamate (Divine Leadership) for the orderliness of the community and obedience (to Imams) as a mark of respect to the Imamate. 60