By M.M. Hassan Abdulhadi Rashid – University of Karbala, College of Islamic Sciences
There are many sudden situations that frighten us, provoke us, and stir our anger and nerves, especially when they happen unexpectedly.
For example, when you are driving your car, and suddenly another car stops in front of you without any indication or warning, your emotions immediately surge, and this causes you to lose control of your nerves!
Often, some of us are unable to control our tongues in such moments, and we may utter inappropriate words such as curses or illogical remarks.
There are many situations that agitate a person’s nerves, and various incidents drive them to impulsively say words that are inappropriate and illogical without any awareness.
However, some ignorant people are slaves to their tongues, as Imam Al-Hadi (peace be upon him) says. Their tongues expose their inner filth, revealing what they hide within them through inappropriate words that slip out in moments of provocation and nerve-stirring situations. Imam Ali (peace be upon him) says: “A person is hidden under his tongue, and when he speaks, his true nature is revealed.”
On the other hand, some wise individuals have controlled their tongues, as Imam Ali (peace be upon him) says: “The wise person is one who controls his tongue.” These individuals carefully manage their words, ensuring that what they say is appropriate and does not cause them to lose their status as wise and noble people. Imam Ali (peace be upon him) also says: “He who guards his tongue honors his soul.”
It is therefore essential for a believer to strive to monitor himself, controlling his emotions, feelings, and nerves during provocative moments. As the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “A servant’s faith is not upright until his heart is upright, and his heart cannot be upright until his tongue is upright.”
Purifying the heart from the filth of sins, cleaning it from the residue of whispers, and purifying it from the temptations of Satan will elevate a person to the level of an angel walking on earth, unaffected by any storms or trials, no matter how intense.
Imam Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) says: “He who controls himself when angry, when desiring something, when fearing, and when lustful, Allah will forbid his body from the fire.”
Thus, controlling one’s tongue during moments of anger is not only a sign of self-discipline, but it is also an essential part of maintaining faith and integrity in daily life.