By M.M. Muhammad Hassoun Abdul Zahra – College of Islamic Sciences – University of Karbala
Memorizing and teaching the Quran is one of the noble tasks; in fact, it is the best form of education, as it was reported from the Messenger of humanity, Muhammad (PBUH): “The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.” This series of lessons is not a magical recipe that, by applying it, you will memorize the Quran in a way that you never imagined or expected, but rather, these lessons are the result of practical experiences. Ultimately, we aim to focus on the essence of this topic—how to memorize the Quran in general for everyone, with the possible differences between individuals. In this lesson, we want to focus on answering this question: How do we memorize the Quran?
We will discuss five aspects:
First: The General Foundations
Second: Memorization
Third: Review
Fourth: Connections and Regulations
I begin with the help of Allah, the Almighty.
Lesson One: The General Foundations for Memorizing the Quran
The general foundations that are essential and without which there is no application are what we must consider. It is very likely that there is no success without contemplating and fulfilling them. These are matters that we often remember and remind ourselves of, and they are principles we should not neglect in this lesson or any other.
- Sincere Intention
We know that the key to acceptance and facilitation is sincerity for Allah, the Almighty. Every action that lacks sincerity will not bear its fruit. Even if some fruits are seen, their end result is often bitter, in addition to being deprived of one of the greatest things a person can hope for: acceptance by Allah and the reward for it. Therefore, one of the first foundations of memorizing the Quran is sincere intention for Allah, as the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Actions are judged by intentions.” - Good Character
Allah, the Almighty, says in the Quran:
“Fear Allah, and Allah will teach you.” (Al-Baqarah: 282)
We are all familiar with the famous saying of Al-Shafi’i: “I complained to Waki’ about my poor memorization, and he advised me to abandon sin, telling me that knowledge is light, and Allah’s light is not given to a sinner.” It is known that memorization, in particular, requires a pure heart and an awakened mind, and sin extinguishes the light of the heart, leading to a dull intellect and depriving a person of success. Therefore, we must seek help from Allah by obeying Him, and our path to achieving this is through acts of worship and good deeds. The Quran is then easier to memorize when one’s heart is illuminated by faith, and the soul is comforted by the tranquility and peace granted by Allah. - Determination and Reliance on Allah
Allah, the Almighty, says:
“So when you have decided, then place your trust in Allah.” (Al-Imran: 159)
A person who is affected by weakness, indifference, and laziness, and tends to be sluggish in many matters, cannot be relied upon for success. This is a task that requires strong determination and action. One must reduce rest, sleep less, increase work, and devote more time to reading and memorization. Success requires unwavering willpower that does not give up when facing challenges. - The Correct Method
Some people, upon hearing encouragement to memorize the Quran, begin with an overzealous approach that often leads to failure due to lack of proper planning. For example, starting by mixing random surahs, verses, or sections of the Quran will lead to confusion, difficulty in memorization, and loss of what was memorized. The correct method is one that involves clear planning and gradual progression from one step to the next, ensuring consistency and connectedness in the memorization process. - Consistency in Effort
The Prophet (PBUH) said: “That which is done consistently, even if little, is better than that which is done in excess and is abandoned.” He also said: “The most beloved of deeds to Allah are those that are done consistently, even if they are few.”
This task may take a long time and great effort. If you lack perseverance, you are unlikely to reach your goal. Therefore, consistency is key. Start small but continue steadily, and avoid beginning with overwhelming goals that are then abandoned.
These are some of the essential foundations to consider before beginning any work, especially when it comes to memorizing the Book of Allah, the Almighty. In the next lesson, I will cover the remaining aspects, God willing.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.