from the sermons of Imam Ali (pace be upon him ):sermon9

Cowardice of the people of Jamal

from the book Sermons of Imam Ali Investigation by Saleh

Nahjul Balagha Part 1 The Sermons Sharif Razi


They1 thundered like clouds and shone like lightning but despite both these things they exhibited cowardice, while we do not thunder until we pounce upon the foe nor do we show flow (of words) until we have not virtually rained.

Alternative Sources for Sermon 9

(1) Al-Mufid, al-Jamal, 177, from (2)

(2) al-Waqidi, al-Jamal.

(3) Ibn A’tham, Futuh, as quoted by (4)

(4) al-Khwarazmi in al-Manaqib.