from the sermons of Imam Ali (pace be upon him ):sermon2

Al Muhammad

from the book Sermons of Imam Ali Investigation by Saleh

Nahjul Balagha Part 1 The Sermons Sharif Razi


None in the Islamic community can be taken at par with the Progeny3 of the Prophet (Ali Muhammad). One who was under their obligation cannot be matched with them. They are the foundation of religion and pillar of Belief. The forward runner has to turn back to them while the follower has to overtake them. They possess the chief characteristics for vicegerency. In their favour exists the will and succession (of the Prophet). This is the time when right has returned to its owner and diverted to its centre of return.

Alternative Sources for Sermon 2

(1) Ibn Qutaybah, ‘Uyun, I, 326;

(2) al-Tabari, al-Mustarshid, p. 73;

(3) Ibn ‘Abd Rabbih, al-’Iqd, III, 112;

(4) al-‘Amidi, Ghurar, 331, 354;

(5) Ibn Talhah, Matalib, I.