A teacher from the College of Islamic Sciences participates in the discussion of a PhD thesis

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A teacher from the College of Islamic Sciences participates in the discussion of a PhD thesis

The teaching staff at the University of Karbala, College of Islamic Sciences, Department of Arabic Language, Assistant Professor, Dr. Faiza Tha’aban Mansi, participated in discussing a doctoral thesis on the Sayyid al-Shuhada (peace be upon him) hall in the College of Education for Human Sciences, University of Karbala, tagged with (The Lexicon in the Obstetric School – Concept and Function)
Researcher (Yousra Majeed Lafta Mohamed)

The discussion committee consisted of professors:
Prof. Dr. Makki Mohi Idan / University of Karbala / President
Professor Dr. Saadoun Ahmed Ali / Iraqi University / member
Prof. Dr. Haider Fakhri Miran / University of Babylon / member
Prof. Dr. Muayad Obeid Al-Suwainet / Al-Mustansiriya University / member
Assistant Professor Dr. Faiza Sabaan Mansi / University of Karbala / Member
Prof. Dr. Hassan Abdul Ghani Muhammad / University of Karbala / member and supervisor

This thesis was approved with a good grade