The College of Islamic Sciences Hosts a Scientific Workshop on Drugs and Their Impact on Muslim Youth

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The College of Islamic Sciences Hosts a Scientific Workshop on Drugs and Their Impact on Muslim Youth

Under the auspices of the Dean of the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala, Professor Dr. Mohammed Hussein Aboud Al-Taie, the Continuous Education Unit in the college organized a scientific workshop titled “Drugs and Their Impact on Muslim Youth” in the Imam Hussein Hall within the college premises.

The workshop was attended by professors from the Department of Jurisprudence and its Fundamentals in the college, including Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Jasim Hamza, Assistant Lecturer Haider Faiq Mahdi, and Assistant Lecturer Wiam Ali Khamees.

They discussed the spread of this phenomenon and ways to address and eradicate it in accordance with Islamic values that prohibit and forbid such substances. They highlighted the extent of the harm caused by drugs to individuals and society at large.

The workshop emphasized the importance of the role of families, civil society institutions, universities, and schools in raising awareness among all segments of society and youth through intensifying awareness and educational workshops to educate about the dangers of drugs, which have become increasingly detrimental to individuals, families, and society as a whole.