The College of Islamic Sciences discusses the religious references in the poetry of Ali Al-Fattal

The College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala discussed a doctoral dissertation titled: “Religious References in the Poetry of Ali Al-Fattal (d. 2021) – A Rhetorical Study,” by the student Sarmad Mohammed Bakr, held in the Imam Hussein Hall at the college.

The College of Islamic Sciences discussed the religious references in the poetry of Ali Al-Fattal, whose literary and poetic works are characterized by the extensive use of Arabic rhetorical styles. This is likely due to the breadth of his literary accomplishments throughout his life, and the variety of purposes for which he composed his works. These serve as evidence of Al-Fattal’s mastery in employing Arabic language in its various forms, and in extracting the intended meanings through these references, allowing the reader to grasp the purpose without much effort or lengthy contemplation.

The study concluded that the poet Ali Al-Fattal, who was the subject of the study, is a model of the poets of this holy city and Iraq as a whole. These poets are part of a group of intellectuals whose cultural sources are diverse, but the Quranic verses and Hadiths remain the most important sources of their culture.