Imagination of Islamic history in the novels of JurjiZaidan – The novel 17 Ramadan as a choice –

Master Thesis

Student: Kawthar Shaker Hilal

Supervised by:Mr. Dr Ali Muhammad Yassin

Major: Language and literature of the holy Quran

Publish Date: 2023

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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his friend, and his elite among his creation, our master Muhammad (may God bless him and his family and grant him peace), his family, and those who followed his path and were guided by his guidance until the Day of Judgment. It is narrated orally or in writing, and during that process of narration, the imagination enters and expands the circle of narration and retells the history by adding imaginary fingerprints until the image of the story is completed, so that history becomes (creative practice). For the historical issue to be composed of three basic elements: the historical facts as they actually occurred, then the process of retelling these facts after a period of time (orally or in writing), then thirdly and finally, the need to add some imaginary elements (according to the mood and technique of the narrator), and this study will address A sample of the novels of Gerji Zaidan, which is the novel (17 Ramadan). The researcher’s thesis, titled (Historical Fiction in the Novels of Jerji Zaidan, The Novel of 17 Ramadan as a Choice), consisted of an introduction to Jerji Zaidan and his fictional historical novels with three chapters as follows: The first chapter included the relationship between the novel and history, and it included three topics (the historical novel at The Europeans and the Arabs, the novel as a historical source, history as a literary reference), while the second chapter included Arab-Islamic history and its reproduction in Jurji Zaidan. The movement of history), while the third chapter is related to the narration of the seventeenth of Ramadan and the preoccupation of the historical imaginary. A list of sources and references has been reached