from the sermons of Imam Ali (pace be upon him ):sermon10

Satan has collected his group…

from the book Sermons of Imam Ali Investigation by Saleh

Nahjul Balagha Part 1 The Sermons Sharif Razi


Regarding the incitement of Satan: alluding to a particular group of people (about Talhah and az-Zubayr)

Beware! Satan1 has collected his group and assembled his horse-men and foot-soldiers. Surely, with me is my sagacity. I have neither deceived myself nor ever been deceived. By Allah I shall fill to the brim for them a cistern from which I alone would draw water. They can neither turn away from it nor return to it.

Alternative Sources for Sermon 10

(1) Al-Mufid, al-‘Irshad, 118; see also under Sermon:22 and Sermon:134 below.