Structural stylistics is an interpretive approach, al-Mizan by Tabatabai, as an example


Student: Karrar Jawad Kadhim Al –Mafraji
Supervised by:Professor Dr. Amjad Hamid Al – Fadel

Major: Language and literature of the holy Quran

Publish Date:2024

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Modern stylistic studies have received great attention from scholars and divers in the sciences of rhetoric, criticism, and linguistics. However, examining stylistic trends and what can be benefited from them, I do not claim that it is few, except that it has not taken the breadth of what other studies have taken, in addition to the fact that structural stylistics is one of the approaches that has He had a great impact on reading texts and examining their meanings. Perhaps the most prominent person who studied and developed mechanisms for structural method was Jacobson, and then came Riffaterre. A questioner may ask: Why did the researcher stop at Riffaterre’s method, ignoring what Jacobson brought? The structural method that Jacobson came up with goes into the depths of language more than it enters into the seas of literature. It works according to the mechanisms of language and the connotations that those mechanisms lead to. As for what Riffaterre came up with in terms of the literaryness of literature and working on the articulations of the text to find out the meaning, it was consistent with what the researcher was aiming for in terms of standing. On the basis of this approach, perhaps a questioner may ask again: What is the motive behind choosing the book Al-Mizan as an example for this study? The study also passed through its folds from research into the heritage, then to the modernist, then to the modernists who worked on the Qur’anic text, and showed the features and manifestations of structural stylistics in it. Therefore, one of the most mature and most consistent experiments, and even the most representative of the structural stylistic approach, was the interpretation of the scale for working on the text according to the context and according to the levels of the language. Or standards of language, as Rifattere called them, in addition to the deliberate reader’s judgment in deducing meanings and delving into the text itself by interpreting the Qur’an by the Qur’an, as the author of Al-Mizan stated. Perhaps this takes us to the fact that the author of Al-Mizan came with an approach to interpreting the Qur’an that no other scholar had stopped at before. I claim to be the first to He stopped at this approach, which is the (structural stylistic) approach. However, the terminological system differed between the author of Al-Mizan and Rifater. What Rifater called the general reciter was stated by the author of Al-Mizan by saying: (I say), and what Rifater called the structural stylistic came to the author of Al-Mizan under the title (the tongue of the verse) and it was Its mechanisms are the mechanisms of theoretical knowledge of giving meaning to a word according to a belief in which the author of the text believed. Perhaps I am not wrong if I say that the author of Al-Mizan had preceded the structural stylistic approach and developed his mechanisms and worked on them and stopped at the meanings of the verses and surahs before Rifaatir. However, the terminological system differed between both of them and what The researcher was helped to understand all of this by choosing a working mechanism through which he could comprehend even a small portion of this modern approach to reading and interpreting the Qur’anic text.
A questioner may ask: What helped the researcher to explore the depths of such a topic, and what method did he follow in this study? To answer these questions, we say: What helped the writer in revealing the secrets of texts and accessing their meanings is the adoption of the analytical and descriptive approaches, which are not hidden from every student because they have a great impact on such topics, in addition to relying on the mechanisms of criticism in determining the intended objectives of the texts. And deal with it from a purely critical point of view.