Help Others Improve Their Livelihoods

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By: Assistant Lecturer Hassan Abdul-Hadi Al-Lami

Imam Al-Ridha (peace be upon him) once asked Ali bin Shu’ayb: “O Ali, who has the best livelihood?”

I replied: “You, my master, know better than I do.”

He (peace be upon him) then said: “O Ali, it is the one who improves the livelihood of others through his own livelihood.”

The guidance provided by Imam Al-Ridha (peace be upon him) in this question encapsulates everything sought by those interested in self-development and personal growth—how to be happy and successful in social, financial, psychological, and ethical aspects of life.

Furthermore, the Imam’s answer outlines a method that encompasses many virtues and moral values, fostering spiritual growth while also bringing financial and relational benefits to a person. This method can take the following forms:

  1. Starting a business, even with modest resources, and inviting friends and relatives to work in it.
  2. Allocating financial capital and encouraging others to present their project ideas, supporting them while agreeing on a fair profit-sharing model.
  3. Collecting surplus furniture, clothing, and other items, packaging them in a neat manner, and selling them at affordable prices to those in need or with limited income.
  4. Establishing a marriage support fund for unmarried youth, with a repayment plan that aligns with their income and financial capacity.
  5. Supporting others with experiences, ideas, and expertise, particularly young people, and offering them moral encouragement when financial assistance is not possible.

There are countless other ways and ideas that allow us to engage productively with others—both giving and receiving benefits while earning great rewards.

Do you have a project in mind that could improve others’ livelihoods through your financial or moral support?