The Qur’anic Studies Department, in cooperation with the Division of Continuing Education in the College of Islamic Sciences – University of Karbala, set up a Sumner under the title of the secular and eschatological goal in the Qur’an and the Sunnah at nine o’clock on Tuesday 3/2/2021 in which Dr. Ahmed Saheb al-Jubouri, a teacher in the Qur’anic Studies Department, using the Google application, lectured. meeting
The seminar aims to clarify the permissibility of seeking the worldly goals of livelihood and learning, and even asking for all the good things of the worldly life (through verses and narrations) and clarifying what is meant by the Almighty saying (((The jinn and mankind are only created to worship)) in terms of not being inconsistent with the pursuit of achieving worldly goals and stating the lack of The permissibility of attaining worldly goals by hurting others under the pretext (God is Forgiving and Merciful) and always remembering that God is (severe punishment)
It highlights the importance of not contradicting worldly goals with the supreme goal, the eschatological goal (the pleasure of God Almighty), in accordance with what the Commander of the Faithful said Ali (PBUH)
(Work for this world as if you live forever … and work for your hereafter as if you die tomorrow)
By following this narrative, the Muslim person will be able to balance the achievement of his worldly goals and not contradict them with the eschatological goal.