from the sermons of Imam Ali (pace be upon him ):sermon31
Don't meet Talhah ... Before the commencement of the Battle of Jamal Amir al-mu’minin sent ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas to az-Zubayr ibn al- ‘Awwam with the purpose that he should advise…
Don't meet Talhah ... Before the commencement of the Battle of Jamal Amir al-mu’minin sent ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas to az-Zubayr ibn al- ‘Awwam with the purpose that he should advise…
If I had ordered it, ... Disclosing real facts about assassination of ‘Uthman Ibn ‘Affan1 Amir al-mu’minin said: If I had ordered his assassination I should have been his killer,…
O people, who are together with their bodies, but ... About those who found pretexts at the time of jihad O people, your bodies are together but your desires are…
Surely, the world has turned its back ... About the transient nature of this world and importance of the next world This is a section of the Sermon (45) that…
Indeed, surely jihad is one of the doors of Paradise ... Indeed, surely jihad is one of the doors of Paradise, which Allah has opened for His chief friends. It is the…
Verily, Allah sent Muhammad (S) ... Arabia before proclamation of Prophethood Verily, Allah sent Muhammad (S) as a warner (against vice) for all the worlds and a trustee of His…
Nothing (is left to me) but Kufah... When Amir al-mu'minin received successive news that Mu’awiyah's men were occupying cities1 and his own officers in Yemen namely ‘Ubaydullah ibn ‘Abbas and Sa’id…
Exhorting people for jihad By my life there will be no regard for anyone nor slackening from me in fighting against one who opposes right or gropes in misguidance. O…
In the same Sermon Behold! If any one of you finds your near ones in want or starvation, he should not desist from helping them with that which will not…
Verily, Divine orders descends ... About keeping aloof from envy, and good behaviour towards kith and kin Now then, verily Divine orders descend from heaven to earth like drops of…