Linguistic Efforts in the Encyclopedia of Linguistic Differences and Rhetorical Glimpses in the Wise Reminder(A Case Study of Surah Al-Baqarah and Surah Al-Imran)

Master Thesis Student:  Muthanna Qasim Hassan Supervised by:A. Dr. Wafaa Abbas Fayadh Major: Language and literature of the holy Quran Publish Date:2024 Download File: Click here Abstract Title: Linguistic Efforts in…

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Cultural and religious references in the poetry of Malik bin Al-Marhal Adeeb Al-Adwatain

Master Thesis Student: Atheer Ahmed HusseinSupervised by:Ass.Prof. Dr. Safaa Hussein Latif Major: Language and literature of the holy Quran Publish Date:2024 Download File: Click here Abstract In the name of God, the…

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Structural stylistics is an interpretive approach, al-Mizan by Tabatabai, as an example

Dissertation Student: Karrar Jawad Kadhim Al –MafrajiSupervised by:Professor Dr. Amjad Hamid Al – Fadel Major: Language and literature of the holy Quran Publish Date:2024 Download File: Click here Abstract Modern stylistic studies…

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Grammatical investigations in the interpretation of the Holy Qur’an, its parsing, and its explanation By Sheikh Muhammad Ali Taha Al-Durra (d.1428 AH)

Dissertation Student: Intidhar Abd Ali Muhi Abd Supervised by:Prof. Dr. Muyyed Jasim Mohammed al-Khafaji Major: Language and literature of the holy Quran Publish Date:2024 Download File: Click here Abstract 1. The researcher…

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Linguistic Investigations in the Book of Bihar Al-Anwar by Al-Allamah Al-Majlisi (d. 1110 AH), Selected Books of Knowledge and Monotheism

Dissertation Student: Abdul Hadi Falih Hassan Supervised by: Professor Dr. Rafah Abdul Hussein Al-Fatlawi Major: Language and literature of the holy Quran Major: Sharia and Islamic Sciences Publish Date:2024 Download File: Click…

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