A teacher from the College of Islamic Sciences gets a letter of thanks and appreciation from the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research

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جامعة كربلاء كلية العلوم الاسلامية

The instructor at the College of Islamic Sciences / Qur’anic Studies Department, Dr. Ahmad Jaid Badr, received a letter of thanks and appreciation from the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Nabil Kazem Abdel Saheb, in appreciation of his scientific efforts made in evaluating, selecting and studying all the articles participating in the Al-Sebt Prize for Science for All competition in addition to To a group of professors and teachers from various Iraqi colleges and universities as one of the members of the evaluation and selection committee for scientific articles

This is in addition to the list of achievements made by the College of Islamic Sciences, which it is working to achieve within the lofty visions and in accordance with the college’s comprehensive strategic plan, through which it aims to reach the highest levels of advancement and scientific progress.