The College of Islamic Sciences discusses the Qur’anic foundations in building and developing the self among Ahl al-Bayt (p.b.u.h)

The College of Islamic Sciences discusses the Qur’anic foundations in building and developing the self among Ahl al-Bayt (p.b.u.h)

On the basis of Al-Sadiq Al-Amin (peace be upon him), a master’s thesis was discussed (Quranic principles in building and developing the self according to Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon him) – objective study) for the student: Doaa Hassoun Kateh Al-Ibrahimi.

The researcher pointed out that in recent decades, studies have appeared on building and developing human personality based on the data produced by human theories in order to improve his abilities, capabilities, qualifications, self-control, acquire skills and enhance positive behavior in a way that makes people feel their value and ability.

Most of these studies are of Western source and focus on the individual and reinforce the subjective aspect in him, making him a focal point around which all relationships revolve and making him a central target in that.

She pointed out that building and developing the human being requires understanding the purpose of his existence and defining it and the path he must take to reach the goal for which he was created and to strive to build and develop it according to his identity and Islamic culture and the foundations confirmed by the Holy Qur’an and the pure progeny, and they are obligated to walk in the right path in the life of this world. And beyond, and linking the individual’s self-building to the societal construction in general.

Hence the importance of returning to the two weights and inspiring ways to build and develop oneself in accordance with the teachings of the Noble Qur’an and the pure progeny, because there is no building or development without them.
And from that, the choice of the topic came to establish and root the idea that building and developing the self is only with the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and all that was written of philosophical and developmental theories that do not rise to what was brought by the Holy Qur’an and the pure progeny.
The discussion committee consisted of

(Prof. Dr. Amer Omran Al-Khafaji – Chairman)
And (Prof. Dr. Fadel Madab Mutaib – Member)
And (Mr. Musallam Jawad – Member)
and (Professor Iqbal Wafi Negm – member and supervisor)

The researcher got a grade (very good, very high).