Distinguished research participation of the College of Islamic Sciences in the Popular Mobilization Conference at the University of Kufa


The College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala participated in the proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (Memory of the Popular Mobilization and Community Security, Bilateral Life and Building), which was held within the festival (Fatwa of Sufficient Jihad in the Iraqi Memory) and sponsored by the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali and in cooperation with the Kufa Studies Center – University of Kufa and the Office of the Popular Mobilization Authority in Najaf Ashraf.

Prof. Dr. Nahida Jalil Abdul-Hassan Al-Ghalbi and Assistant Professor Dr. Ammar Muhammad Husayn Al-Ansari participated in the conference about their research tagged (the fatwa of the blessed jihad and those who respond to the call, the popular crowd as a model).

In it, they emphasized that one of the goals of jihad is to preserve the countries of Islam and Muslims. It is one of the most important great principles of Islam; Because it is the way of pride, dignity and sovereignty, that is why it was a firm duty, and a matter that will last until the Day of Resurrection, and the people of jihad did not leave except humiliated and invaded in their own homes, and God failed them, and the evil and wicked people were empowered over them.