Two teachers from the Faculty of Islamic Sciences were chosen among the committees of the international conference held at Ferdowsi University in Iran

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Two teachers from the Faculty of Islamic Sciences were chosen among the committees of the international conference held at Ferdowsi University in Iran

Assistant Professor Dr. Hamid Jassim Al-Ghurabi and Assistant Professor Dr. Safaa Hussein Latif were selected among the members of the Scientific Committee of the Second International Scientific Conference for Humanities and Social Sciences, which will be held in Mashhad – Iran in July 2022 and organized by Ferdowsi University – Mashhad with the participation of the College of Education Ibn Al-Haytham for Pure Sciences and the University of Baghdad and the College of Education The Gulf, the Sultanate of Oman, the University of Qadisiyah, the College of Basic Education, the University of Muthanna, and the Furatin Foundation for Development and Development. Globalism.

It is worth noting that this choice came due to their scientific status and for their publication of many scientific research in scientific journals inside and outside Iraq, as well as their active participation in local and international conferences.