A voluntary campaign to paint a number of classrooms in the College of Islamic Sciences

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A voluntary campaign to paint a number of classrooms in the College of Islamic Sciences

Under the direct supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala, Prof. Dr. Dhargham Karim Al-Mousawi and the head of the Qur’anic Studies Department, the students of the first stage in the Qur’anic Studies Department organized a voluntary campaign, which was to paint, decorate and organize the classrooms until they graduated in an optimal manner.

The Dean of the College praised the students’ efforts and thanked them for their tireless and fruitful work to create a beautiful and organized university atmosphere, as well as the impact of all this on developing a spirit of cooperation and loyalty between the institution and those organized under its umbrella, which indicates their sense of the value of the scientific edifice that embraces them.