The College of Islamic Sciences is hosting a lecture on the mother and her educational role within the family

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In celebration of Mother’s Day, the Women’s Affairs Unit at the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala held a lecture titled “The Mother and Her Educational Role in the Family: Lady Fatimah (peace be upon her) as a Model.” The lecture was delivered by Assistant Professor Dr. Alaa Abdul Kadhim Al-Kuraiti and Assistant Professor Dr. Intidhar Jawad Kadhim.

The lecture, held at the specialized Women’s Hospital of Sayyida Khadijah, affiliated with the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein, aimed to emphasize the role of mothers and the importance of their role within the family, particularly in terms of education. Lady Fatimah (peace be upon her) was presented as an exemplary model of a righteous mother, virtuous upbringing, and obedient wife.