The value system in the Noble Qur’an, an interpretive study

Master Thesis

Student: Anwar Abass Fadil

Supervised by: Prof. Dr Drgham Karim Kazem Al- moussawi

Major: Sharia and Islamic Sciences

Publish Date: 2021

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The research indicates that man has a value system formed through his experiences in life, and this system needs to be re-adjusted and directed, since man, according to his own limitations, is not able to organize for himself a comprehensive and comprehensive program for his life, in addition to his lack of knowledge of the secrets and details of his life, and the Holy Qur’an has ensured that The hypothesis of the message stems from the fact that the Holy Qur’an is a miraculous heavenly book, and its presentation of the values and their coordination cannot be imagined devoid of the goal and purpose. And they have a close relationship with each other, as they are inseparable from each other, and the loss of any valuable verse of these values or their taking their place from the arrangement leads to a defect within the entire system, so the intended purpose of arranging these values according to the divine order that God Almighty wanted is not achieved. In turn, it negatively affects the life of the individual and society alike