Discussion of a number of master’s theses in the College of Islamic Sciences University of Karbala

A group of master’s theses were discussed in the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala during this week. The first of these was a discussion of a master’s thesis in Arabic language and literature entitled ((The Islamic impact on children’s literature – the poetry of the libraries of the holy shrines in Iraq as a choice)) by the student (Hussein Razzaq Jassem Hussein) and on the auditorium imam hussain in college,

The second is entitled (Jurisprudence of Debates and Controversies – Presentation and Analysis) by the student (Ibrahim Abd al-Jalil Kharnoub) in the Department of Qur’anic Studies and Jurisprudence and on the hall of Al-Sadiq Al-Amin (PBUH) in the college

And the third is entitled (Efforts of Imamiyyah Jurists in Confronting the Cultural Invasion, Suspicions Related to Women as a Model) by the student (Karar Jabbar Hussein) in the Department of Qur’anic Studies and Jurisprudence and in the Imam Hussein Hall in the college.