The grammatical thought of Sayyid Tabatabai in the balance of the postings, and the tools are two examples

Master Thesis

Student:  Saif Abdul Karim Ali Yassin

Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Abbas Ali Ismail

Major: Language and literature of the holy Quran

Publish Date: 2021

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Interpretation of the balance is very important in the seminary lesson, and Sayyid Tabatabai is the owner of a private school in Qur’anic exegesis, and I think that the reason for this is due to his being diligent, as this book is studied at an advanced stage of study in the scholarly seminary. He deserves in linguistic studies, except in some letters that deal with it. And I saw that these studies do not fulfill the linguistic efforts that exist in the interpretation of the balance by Mr. To studies and studies. The term thinking is the first precursor in things, and when these things mature in a person’s mind it is called thought, and the meaning of thought is to use the mind in things to reach their knowledge. Avicenna mentioned that thought is when a person’s unanimity moves away from things present in his mind that are perceived, or validated. It has a scientific or presumptive endorsement, status, or acknowledgment of matters not present in it, and this transfer is not without arrangement. And the meaning of grammatical thought is the opinions that he said, adopted, or defended, or the scientist commented on them negatively or positively, whether these opinions are new or what other scholars have said. The researcher proceeded in writing this study according to the descriptive explanatory method, and the nature of the research required that it consist of two chapters, preceded by an introduction, and followed by a conclusion. The first chapter of the message was titled Positions, and it came in two chapters, which dealt in the first chapter with the effects: the

accusative, the absolute, and the object, and in the second chapter of the first chapter, the similarities with the effects were studied: distinction, status, and exclusion. The second chapter of the thesis included the study of tools, and it came in two chapters, while the first chapter dealt with the tools that perform the function of traction, namely: Ba, the lam, and who, and the second chapter of the second chapter came under the title of nontraction tools, in which the tools were studied: If, And that, has, nor, and what, and waw. Sayyid Tabatabai was interpreting the Qur’an from his own view of the context and the Qur’anic layout. That is why we find in his interpretation accepting the rules set by the grammarians, provided that they fit the context required by the Qur’anic text. Sayyid Tabatabai was not alone in relying on the context and the denominator in his interpretation. Rather, this is present among others, but it became clear to him clearly. He gave him special attention and great care in grammar guidance. The researcher finds in Sayyid al-Tabatabai’s interpretation a special approach to accepting and rejecting opinions, and this is because he is mujtahid, and for this we find that he presents the views of the commentators, discusses them between acceptance and rejection and comments on some of them, and sometimes he is quoted in a simple manner, or a Muslim opinion without commenting on it Negatively, not positively. Al-Sayyid al-Tabataba’i was singled out for ijtihadi views in the field of grammar that no one of the commentators and grammarians said, i.e., he has an independent approach to studying grammatical issues in the interpretation of the verses of the Book of God – his name is

majestic – and the reason for that is due to his culture and his diligence in the fundamentals, philosophy, logic, theology, and history And jurisprudence, which made him a superior scientific ability in research and scrutiny. It seems that Sayyid al-Tabataba’i was one of those who said to facilitate grammar, that is, to rid grammar of the impurities attached to it, such as the theory of the worker, the saying of the second and third causes, and other issues of grammatical facilitation that he believed in, and called by a group of scholars in the past century. And he used to quote some scholars’ sayings – which correspond to the context according to his view as a mujtahid – such as al-Furra, alZamakhshari, and al-Tabarsi, for example, and sometimes he acted in the phrase a slight act according to what the situation required. Sayyid Tabatabai used to confuse the syntactic meaning with the interpretive meaning, so that the researcher imagined at first glance that he meant the expository meaning without the syntactic meaning, and the reason for this may be due to the brevity without going into detail. Sayyid al-Tabatabai did not cite the hadiths of the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family – in the field of grammar, and neglected that with the knowledge that the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family – had reached the point of perfection. Because he is a pure Arab first, and secondly, that God, may He be glorified and exalted, described him as not uttering whims and desires, in agreement with that of the many class of scholars who refused to cite the hadith on the pretext that the hadith is narrated by meaning, and that most of its narrators are nonArabs.. And he was free from the opinions of the two schools in the sense that he was not inclined to a particular doctrine in his views. He may

favor an opinion of the visionaries, and he does not intend to bias the visionaries. Likewise, he may favor an opinion of the Kufians, and he is not intended to advocate for the Kufians, but rather he favors an opinion that is in harmony with the opinion he is convinced of. An example of this is that in one of his preferences he preferred that (from) is to be excised. Because he followed what is well-known among grammarians, and expressed his preponderance by stating his precursor from the context, and weakening the opinion that (from) is an excess in the noble verse by saying: An increase (of) in the affirmative is not proven, and it is a weak opinion. Because (who) increases if it is an object of negation, preceded by a denial or a prohibition, and does not increase in proven speech, and its merit is knowledge, and it seems clear that Sayyid al-Tabatabai in this grammatical rule is influenced by the opinion of the majority of grammarians that he is in other grammatical issues he did not take their opinion, for example The prefixed sentence that occurs immediately is not required to be preceded by (may), unlike the majority of grammarians. Sayyid Tabatabai was not influenced by the famous grammatical views. He may reject the well-known opinion agreed upon by most of the grammarians and commentators, and take the unpopular opinion based on all of this on the context and denominator significance.