A discussion of the master’s thesis took place in the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala, which was titled The Qur’anic Impact in the Diwan of the Caliphs, by the student in the Arabic Language Department, Hussein Hamid Hassan. the college .
The researcher pointed out in his letter that the caliphs had their own style in evoking the Qur’anic witness and employing it artistically, making their speech fused with the verses of the Qur’an and being influenced by the Qur’anic stories and images.
The researcher reached a number of results, including:
The caliphs were strongly influenced by the Qur’anic story by employing it in their texts as a sign or hint, but without going into the details of the whole story. This indicates their knowledge of the Qur’anic culture of the recipient. Also, the impact of the Qur’anic comma was clear in the caliphs’ rhymes. at the recipient.
The discussion committee consisted of Prof. Dr. Safaa Obaid Hussain from the University of Babylon – College of Education for Human Sciences as a member – Chairman. Assistant Professor Dr. Safaa Hussain Latif – from the University of Karbala – College of Islamic Sciences as a member: and Dr. Aad Kamel Saber from the University of Karbala – College of Sciences Islamic Studies as a member, and Professor Dr. Hazim Fadel Muhammad from the University of Karbala – College of Islamic Sciences as a member and supervisor