The concept of hope between the Holy Quran and psychology

Supervisor:  DR.Mawahib Alkhatib

Keywords: Hope, Holy Quran, Positive Psychology, Pleased, Theories of Hope.


The conception of hope is one of the most basic subjects of human feelings.  In this study, we will try to study this concept in both the Holy Quran and the newly begun fields of psychology concerned with this issue. The Holy Quran was the race to demonstrate the importance of hope in human life from this point stems the importance of this study, and our study will follow the descriptive analytical curriculum to study the verses of the Holy Quran indicating hope the nature of the study had to be divided into four chapters. In Chapter I, we described the faculties of study as important as they are, The main and sub-questions, in addition to the hypotheses on which these studies were based, He mentioned the literature that preceded our study, describing the basic concepts in the study such as hope, hope and close concepts such as desire, Concepts such as positive psychology are matched in modern psychology and chapter II devoted to the study of the concept of hope in the Holy Quran, The word “hope” appeared twice in the Qur ‘an, but the above-mentioned verses, which are very hopeful and even though they do not state hope, we have found hope and divine mercy clear in the dignified wall. The Quranic hopeful stories, god names, In addition to the motivations of hope, there are elements of hope, including the application of reasons. and the fear that it will not be realized, and the frequent appetite for prayer and submission to God As we devoted chapter III to the study of the concept of hope in modern psychology, Trying to demonstrate the scientists’ view of it, the explanatory theories of hope, which are many and complex but most of them linked hope to goals and the will to achieve the goals, The last chapter was devoted to a comparison between the Holy Qur ‘an and psychology in their handling of the concept of hope. The Holy Quran gives Muslims wider hope with God’s mercy in the world and the aftermath, bringing comfort to the heart of the faithful and reassuring