The Women’s Affairs Unit at the College of Islamic Sciences organizes an online seminar about divorce

The Women’s Affairs Unit at the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala organized an online seminar on divorce, its causes, solutions, and treatments, presented by Assistant Professor Dr. Sarmad Adel Sahib Harbi.

The lecture was structured around three main axes. The first axis delved into the historical significance of divorce, starting from the ancient Sumerian texts written on clay tablets in the kingdom of Eshnunna, passing through the texts of Arabic poetry in the pre-Islamic era, and concluding with the lofty Quranic text. The lecturer in this axis presented the semantic evolution that affected divorce throughout its historical trajectory.

Upon the completion of the first axis, the second axis began to uncover the causes of divorce, which were categorized into three main reasons: social, psychological, and economic/material. The intertwining and overlapping of these causes had a clear impact on the prevalence of divorce.

Subsequently, the third axis presented a set of treatments, with the most important being the achievement of social justice among the different segments of society and the rejection of classism in family construction. Additionally, there was a call to control social media platforms as they pose a danger to the younger generation, who are seeking to establish families in their future days.

During the seminar, discussions took place among the attendees, laying the foundation for a series of future perspectives aimed at addressing the issue of divorce and its causes.