College of Islamic Sciences Discusses PhD on “Nur al-Tawfiq wa Kashf al-Tadqiq”

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The College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala held a PhD defense for the dissertation titled “Nur al-Tawfiq wa Kashf al-Tadqiq” by Mulla Mohsen al-Qazwini. The dissertation, authored by Raed Khudair Mohammed, consists of three chapters, preceded by an introduction.

The first chapter focuses on the author’s biography, the second chapter explores Quranic studies and interpretation, and the third delves into doctrinal, worship-related, narrational, linguistic, and literary topics. The research concludes with key findings from the study.

The second section of the dissertation focuses on the manuscript itself, including its description, methodology, symbols, and abbreviations used, as well as images from the manuscript. The text is followed by a bibliography of sources used in the research.

Key findings from the study include:

  1. Al-Qazwini’s methodology prominently features the interpretation of the Quran through the Quran, linking and relating verses, while also relying on Quranic context to clarify meanings.
  2. Al-Qazwini often critiques scholars’ views on doctrinal or interpretive matters, presenting his analysis and concluding with what he deems correct based on evidence and reasoning.