A traffic awareness seminar held by the Karbala Governorate Traffic Directorate at the College of Islamic Sciences

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A traffic awareness seminar was held at the College of Islamic Sciences – University of Karbala, organized by the Karbala Governorate Traffic Directorate on (Introducing the principles of traffic safety) at Al-Sadiq Al-Amin Hall in the college.

The symposium, which was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Professor Dr. Dhargham Al-Mousawi and his administrative and scientific assistants, and the Director of the Media and Relations Department at Karbala University, Assistant Professor Dr. Yahya Al-Taei and a number of professors and students of the college, aimed at introducing traffic rules, traffic signs and the law The new traffic is in addition to the consolidation of awareness programs that will raise the traffic culture among all drivers and road users. The professors’ questions, inquiries and opinions were listened to about some of the problems facing vehicle drivers in the holy province of Karbala. At the end of the symposium, the legal officer was awarded a certificate of appreciation by The Deanship of the College in appreciation of his distinguished efforts in community service…