The College of Islamic Sciences discusses semantic weakness and its impact on the interpretation of the Qur’anic text

The College of Islamic Sciences discusses semantic weakness and its impact on the interpretation of the Qur’anic text

In the Department of Qur’anic Studies – College of Islamic Sciences, University of Karbala, I recited the thesis of a master’s student: Khamael Turki Nima, which is tagged with ((Semantic weakness and its impact on the interpretation of the Qur’anic text)), at nine o’clock in the morning on Monday, and on Al-Sadiq Al-Amin Hall in the college .

The idea of ​​choosing the topic came to address the meanings whose significance has been weakened and which fall in the way of researchers. The reason for this is that the topic of the thesis lies in the fact that it deals with the most honorable and sacred sciences and the greatest meanings of the Book of God embodied in the Holy Qur’an, and it is the honor of every researcher to delve into his blessed verses, and the other reason is To choose the topic, it is the semantic weakness or weakness in the connotation of some of the words, and the reason by which it was weakened.

The research included an introduction and a preface, and three chapters, namely: the first chapter (the theoretical framework for research concepts) came in two chapters, the second chapter dealt with (the causes of semantic weakness) in three chapters, and the third chapter (Quranic procedural applications) in three chapters also, and put a conclusion The most important results reached by the researcher were mentioned in it.

The discussion committee consisted of Prof. Dr. Hassan Kazem Asad / University of Kufa – College of Basic Education – as president, and the membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Ammar Hikmat Farhan / University of Baghdad – College of Islamic Sciences, and Assistant Professor Dr. Hamid Jassim Aboud / University of Karbala – College of Islamic Sciences, Professor Assistant Dr: Khudair Jassem Haloub / University of Karbala – College of Islamic Sciences – member and supervisor.