A voluntary campaign to vaccinate Sidr trees in the college corridors

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A voluntary campaign to vaccinate Sidr trees in the college corridors

Sponsored by the Deanship of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at the University of Kerila and under the direct supervision of the Head of the Qur’anic Studies Department.

The students, Amir Ali Kamel and Mortada Shaker from the Quranic Studies Department, the third stage of the morning study, organized a voluntary campaign to graft the Sidr tree in the college corridors.

This initiative came within a group of extra-curricular activities for students and voluntary campaigns sponsored by the Dean of the College and under the supervision of the Presidency of the Qur’anic Studies Department.

It is worth noting that the campaign came within a group of volunteer campaigns implemented by students to develop the reality of the college and increase green spaces.