The Faculty of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala Discusses Hadith Jurisprudence Among the Imamis

The Faculty of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala held a master’s thesis discussion titled “Hadith Jurisprudence Among the Imamis: An Analytical Study of the Book ‘Istiqsa’ al-I’tibar’ in the Explanation of ‘Al-Istibsar'” by the student Safaa Aziz Imran Saud, in the Imam Hussein (PBUH) Hall at the college.

The thesis aims to explore the resources of hadith jurisprudence and to demonstrate the process of deducing and understanding narrations. It focuses on studying this science, which adopts an understanding of hadith alongside biographical and textual analysis. This was achieved by examining the significance of this science and its development among the Imamis, as well as formulating its principles and rules, and the methodologies used by jurists in interpretation and understanding.

The thesis highlights two important benefits: first, it draws attention to the significance of the book Istiqsa’ al-I’tibar, which serves as a key reference for understanding the extensive efforts of Sheikh al-Amili. Second, it provides insights into the principles and rules of hadith jurisprudence, its origins, and its major importance in the field of Islamic jurisprudence.