Islamic Sciences Faculty Member Publishes Research on Abuse of Rights in Marriage

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Dr. Mawahib Al-Khatib, a faculty member at the College of Islamic Sciences, published a research paper in the Maysan Research Journal, Volume 20, Issue 39.

The paper is titled “Abuse of Rights in the Quran and Sunnah: A Study of Marital Rights” and focuses on the Quranic perspective regarding the abuse of rights in marital relationships, emphasizing the importance of family as the fundamental unit of human society.

The research aims to identify the limits set by the Quran on how rights should be exercised without transgressing and infringing on the rights of others.

Utilizing a descriptive-analytical approach, the study examines verses from the Quran and Hadith, confirming the hypotheses by analyzing these texts and narrations.

The findings reveal that the Quran addresses various forms of abuse regarding marital rights, aiming to preserve societal unity through strengthening the familial relationship between spouses, ultimately fostering happiness and ensuring that both parties receive their rightful entitlements in an atmosphere of harmony and mutual respect, without allowing for the abuse of their legal rights.