Islamic Sciences College Discusses Doctoral Thesis on Quranic Text’s Role in Defining Quranic Sciences

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The College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Karbala held a discussion for a doctoral thesis titled The Role of the Quranic Text in Defining Concepts and Terminology of Quranic Sciences: An Analytical Study by student Adnan Khabt Sarhan, in the Imam Hussain (A.S.) hall at the college.

The thesis aimed to demonstrate the foundational role of the miraculous and eternal Quranic text in establishing concepts and terminology related to the sciences of the Holy Quran.

The researcher indicated that the Quranic text addresses several concepts and terminologies related to Quranic sciences, highlighting various essential fields that aid in clarifying and explaining its verses. The study focuses on these concepts and terminologies as they appear in the Quranic text, as well as their mention by scholars of Quranic sciences in their works. The researcher seeks to assess the extent to which the Quranic text has contributed to their establishment as sciences or discussions derived from it.