Discussion of a master’s thesis on the educational aspects in Sheikh Mohsen Qara’ati’s interpretation of Al-Nur took place at the College of Islamic Sciences

A master’s thesis titled “Educational Aspects in Sheikh Mohsen Qara’ati’s Interpretation of Al-Nur: Presentation and Analysis” was discussed at the College of Islamic Sciences, University of Karbala. The thesis, presented by Jabbar Mohsen Kazem Lateh, comprised an introduction and three chapters.

The introduction covered the theoretical framework of the research, while the first chapter explored the patterns of aspects in the interpretation of Al-Nur, divided into three sections. The second chapter delved into the impact of educational aspects on individuals, families, and society. It also consisted of three sections. The third chapter focused on intellectual education in the interpretation of Al-Nur. The conclusion summarized the key findings of the research along with a list of sources and references.

The examining committee consisted of the following members:

  • Prof. Dr. Dhargham Kareem Kazem from the University of Karbala, College of Islamic Sciences, Chairman.
  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Qaisar Kazem Ajil from the University of Kufa, College of Basic Education, Member.
  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Hamed Shahab Ahmed from the University of Karbala, College of Islamic Sciences, Member.
  • Prof. Dr. Hikmat Ubaid Al-Khafaji from the University of Babylon, College of Islamic Sciences, Member and Supervisor.

At the end of the discussion, the thesis was approved with distinction.