Faculty member from the College of Islamic Sciences participates in specialized training on monitoring the right to education

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Dr. Hassan Al-Jazaeeli, an assistant professor at the College of Islamic Sciences, University of Karbala, participated in a specialized training course on monitoring the right to education for staff working in the General Directorates of Education. This course was conducted in collaboration with the High Commission for Human Rights in the Karbala province.

The course aimed to enhance the capabilities of the General Directorate of Education staff in monitoring and documenting cases of human rights violations in schools, and taking the necessary actions to prevent such violations. The program covered explanations and interpretations of human rights, international laws related to the right to education, and provided practical exercises for the participants.

It’s worth noting that this training program spanned five days and involved the participation of six directorates, including Karbala, Najaf, Anbar, Wasit, Babil, and Diwaniya.