The reading of the religious and it’s impact on the making of extremism between the Quran and torah

Master Thesis

Student:  Abbas Atiyah Abed

Supervised by: Asst.Prof.Dr Balasem Aziz

Major: Language and literature of the holy Quran

Publish Date: 2018

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This study aims to elucidate the impact generated by the plurality of interpretations of religious texts by the recipient, regardless of their inclinations towards extremism and its dissemination worldwide. To achieve this, the researcher will examine the multiple interpretations of the Quran or the Torah and highlight the differences between them, as well as their influence on the production of hateful ideologies. It is important to note that such ideologies are shaped by the recipient rather than the text itself, as the text remains constant and sacred.

In accordance with the requirements of the subject, the researcher employed an analytical methodology, along with rational reasoning and critical analysis of certain interpretations and opinions. The research plan follows a structure consisting of an introduction, a preliminary discussion, three chapters, and a conclusion. The conclusion will summarize the key findings of the study, including:

  • The possibility of abrogation, which is expected and exists within a unified divine law, as all heavenly laws are essentially one.
  • The existence of various approaches to interpreting the Quranic and Torah texts, but it is agreed upon that no one can possess the absolute truth regarding the intention of the text’s author.
  • The opinions of scholars from different Islamic sects represent their personal views and ideas, thus constituting theories and opinions held by Muslims rather than being representative of Islam as a whole.